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Brazil features barbecue

People thrive on South Africa land, climate, culture and other factors, formed the unique diet characteristics. In Africa, the origin of spices and more vegetables, fruits, and variety, so since ancient times was formed to mix many kinds of food cooking methods, after baking, USES mostly for meat with a curry, milkshakes, tomato juice, spray mixing method. In general, south africans to capture prey like cooking meat, for example, deer, elk meat pot roast venison, and rabbit meat and steamed ostrich meat, etc. Will be cut into square blocks, lamb or pork meat inside into the apricot fruit, then put the meat on a stick, slow fire to bake in the outdoor. After roasted meat, with hominy, taste is very unique. Barbecue has was deeply loved by people in South Africa. Inside material is given priority to with a big sausage, pork and beef, add all kinds of spices including nutmeg, fennel, cloves, garlic, etc., and the lamb chops, steak sauce with slow roasted, collocation thick hominy and special sauce, onion is delicious in the world.

South Africa's food diet structure is simpler, the right material exquisite small, try to keep raw materials. Ostrich meat, ostrich eggs, and wild pork is one of the most common game in South African cuisine. The practice of ostrich meat stewed, Fried, basically have? Grilled, Fried, and do. One of the most common is to choose South Africa's crude salt powder stewed, salty sweet moderate. Ostrich eggs two or three times larger than a man's fist, eggshell thickness of about 5 mm, suitable for pickle. Onions, mushrooms, ham, etc. Eight kinds of ingredients selection, guests can choose according to individual be fond of good ingredients, with Fried ostrich egg roll up to eat. Wild boar meat onion? , most of the meat XiangNen soft and smooth. Additionally, crocodile meat, grilled lobster and Fried shrimp also has distinguishing feature quite.

African wild boar, duck, such as crocodile and ostrich, goats, sheep and guinea fowl and shutter (made from sheep's stomach lining), the South African food occupies an important place within the scope of the whole continent of Africa. Oriental spices, red pepper, and early Dutch and British colonists and later grape colonial legacy of cooking methods with local residents outdoor barbecue (barbeque/braai) method unifies, makes South Africa a diet tastes like kaleidoscope emerge in endlessly, deserves its reputation as the "rainbow nation".


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